Andrew Hilger

Andrew Hilger writes and speaks about leadership, AI, the future of work, and digital transformation.

The Intelligence Race (from the cockroach perspective)

A few weeks ago, Dario Amodei (Anthropic founder) told Lex Fridman human-level AI could be available as soon as 2026. Sam Altman has shared a similar timeline. These guys have an insider’s view on progress, AND they have a vested interest in feeding the hype machine.

Either way, the race is on!

It’s been on.

Hype and capital and talent pour into the intelligence space. We’re told this is a great thing. We’re also told it’s the end of civilization.

Several months ago, I drafted a humor piece from the perspective of a surfing cockroach spending spring break in Silicon Valley. I’ve decided the piece (and the topic) aren’t that funny, but maybe could provoke some reflection about this race.

Here’s a modified video version you can watch in the time it takes you to read the effusive praise in comments on the announcement of some middling former colleague’s promotion to CEO…