Andrew Hilger

Andrew Hilger writes and speaks about leadership, AI, the future of work, and digital transformation.

Woman confused at graduation

Not All Who Wander Are Lost (career survey results)

I talk to so many people who are at a crossroad with their career. They can be 18 and picking a major, 35 and questioning their passion for a profession or 55 and contemplating the next chapter. Often they feel like they should have things figured out. They’re convinced everyone else does.

Wrong on both counts.

It’s through sampling that people make their way, and most people are wandering through a forest searching for purpose. In this dynamic market, this opportunity to test things can be a feature, not a bug.

I did a quick survey to see if my anecdotal observations bore out in the data. Rather than write up the results, I put together a video. Feel free to share with anyone feeling lost or at a career crossroad.