God grant me serenity
To accept that I can’t change some jackass’s opinion
Help me realize that, to that jackass,
I am the jackass
Grant me courage to live my values
Treating others with kindness,
Assuming good intent
And not plunging headlong
Into the social media cesspool
But if and when I do,
Grant me wisdom to know the difference
Between a Russian bot named YellowSnowmanPatriot and
A flesh-and-blood voter from Alaska
Between WSJTrollpinion’s deepfake and
A legitimate news story
Between an immoral jackwagon
Fanning the flames of hatred and
Some well-meaning guy named Fred
Whose crazy uncle sucked him into
A conspiracy-fueled filter bubble
Over mashed potatoes last Thanksgiving
For it is only through Serenity, Courage, and Wisdom
That we will preserve our common decency,
Remember our shared humanity
And not lose our collective minds during
This train-hurtling-into-a-dumpster-fire
Known as the 2024 Presidential Election.